Qualifying Path eBooks to enable the purchase of the final Path eBook - "The Book of Initiation"

If you have purchase all of the basis foundation eBook listed below you may apply to purchase the final Book of Initiation. Just to comment. We have had a number of students purchase all the required eBooks on one purchase. This is fine, but then they ask for the Book of initiiation immeadiately! Before you move to the Inititation Ritual is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you study the course material first. If you do not the Initiation Ritual may not work as expected. Also the OLR who has to approve the purchase may not give us permision to release. This is to ensure you have the nesessary skills to move toe the initiation ritual.

If you wish to follow the full initiation path it is highly recommended that you study the Path eBooks in order of progression. Or at least cover all the archangels first, prior to moving on to the various magickal techniques.

You must have purchase one Archanagel Book for your Sun and Moon Signs. Without these it would be pointless obtaining any of the eBooks listed below. There is only one condition, that you have identified and are using the Traditional Planetary Archangels in your initial studies. So this would exclude The Book of Uriel, The Book of Asariel and the Book of Azreal. To see a list of the Traditional Archangel Astrological alignments - Click Here

Path Book
Initiation Path
Both Books of your Sun and Moon Archan Publishinggels    
The Book of Flowers & Stones
The Book of the Ritual Tarot
The Book of the Illuminatus
The Book of Angelic Sigils 13  
The Book of Angelic Elements
The Book of Numbers 15  
The Book of Spirits
The Book of Angelic Reflections
The Book of Stars 18  
The Book of the Angelic Cross 19  
The Book of Psalms 20  

This is not to say that the other Archan Publishing Path Books are not important, they are! So to gain a total understanding, of the Pauline Art, it is highly recommended that you also study the remaining Archan Publishing Path Books.


Want to Know Your Moon Archangel? - Click Here