Geomancy in this work does not delve into too much depth on the art of divination, but the use of geomantic symbols or sigils in the practice of talismanic magick, which I will address first. In Frances Barrett’s The Magus, you will see geomantic forms used, the more familiar patterns are composed of dots.
But also consider that each geomantic form can take many different forms, but still hold the power of the symbol. If you study these forms carefully it will give you some idea of how the dots are connected to form these symbols and from this knowledge you can develop your own versions of the geomantic figures unique to you, and your creation of talismans.
Agrippa in his work On Geomancy, attributed the geomantic forms to the seven planets, the Caput and the Cauda Draconis (two signs for each planet, one for the Caput and one for the Cauda), and these later became the “official” attributions of the Golden Dawn. Accordingly a Talisman is any object, sacred or profane, with or without appropriate inscriptions or symbols, uncharged or consecrated by means of appropriate ritual magic or meditation. Amongst other things it exerts an auto- suggestive effect on the wearer. It is made to serve a specific end, to bring good fortune in some area of life, or to achieve some specifically named goal.
You will learn how to capture the power of the talisman, and a simple method to read the geomantic figures. This eBook will intrioduce to you:
Section 1 Geomancy
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Geomantic Talismans
Chapter 3.Creating the Talismans
Chapter 4. Consecrating and Empowering the Talismans
Chapter 5. Using a Talismans Powers
Chapter 6. Geomantic Talismans Generally.
Section 2 Geomantic Forecasting
Chapter 7. Geomantic Readings
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