This work takes the student from establising and creating the basic tools require to complete successful invocations, the correct method to consecrate the ritual items, and the items needed for the performance of the invocation i.e. incence, inks, parchmets etc. Next how to prepare for the invocation, and finally the performance of the angelic invocation.
The text gives three methods of invocation the student of angelic lore may use, two of the invocation methods are simplified versions taken from the Grimoire of Armadel, The Heptameron and finally a simplified talismanic invocation based on using unique talismans as petition triggers.
As with all eBooks by this author, the student does not get bagged down in philosophical issue, history or unclear instructions. This is a practcle work where the student can start preparing the rituals immeadiately. Each invoction method is simple to apply, and it is up to the student to select which works best for him or her.
James Simson
February 2020
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Basic Magical Tools
Chapter 3 Invocation Materials
Chapter 4 Invocation Preparation
Chapter 5 Invocation One – The Heptameron
Chapter 6 Invocation Two - The Angelic Talisman
Chapter 7 Invocation Three – The Armadel
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