The Book of Hours is a devotional book made popular in the later Middle Ages, and is the most common type of surviving medieval illuminated manuscript, which contains a collection of texts, prayers and psalms, for Christian devotions. The Books of Hours was traditionally written in Latin although many were written entirely or partially in European languages.
Concentrating on the archangels and it gives hourly, daily, weekly and monthly prayers, and requests directed to the archangels.
The original porpose of the Book of Hours was for lay people who wished to incorporate elements of their Christian practices into their daily devotional life. Reciting the hours centered on the reciting of Psalms and other prayers, and to achieve this aim a typical Medieval Book of Hours would contain:
1.0 Introduction
2.0 The Hours of the Archangels
3.0 The Power of the Lunar Cycle
4.0 Days (Daily Affirmations and Prayers)
5.0 Months (Covering the Annual Cycle)
6.0 The Equinoxes
7.0 Feast Days
8.0 Magickal Novenas
9.0 Enhancing Your Novenas
Enjoy your studies.
James Simpson
Updated February 2023. Formatting and text updates.
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