There are a number of reasons why you may not have received your download link . Firstly consider that:
1. Email Over-Quota
If you are using Google i.e, your email folder capacity may be full and therefore google will not allow any further emails to be received . ie. Over-Quota.
Pleaae go to to see if you are over your capacity. If so please contact us an explain the situation we may be able to supply your purchase by an alternative means.
On completion of your PayPal purchase you may be automatically returned to our webpage download link. If so just click download link to download to your computer.
This is a new facility we have introduced to try to eliminate emailed download link errors. However NOT ALL our ebooks have this facility. But don't worry you will still have download link emailed to you.
If you did not receive your emailed download link within a reasonable time, our download email may be being blocked by your email or Internet supplier. So before you do anything else (like report us to PayPal), please make contact with us, also if possible supply another email address. We will review the problem and let you know the outcome.
The download email will look similar to this:
Thank you for your order. For reference your order number is 3YF51879L63002912.
Please use the links below to download your purchase.
To download The Book of Stars click the link below:
YOUR eBook REFERENCE (1.99 MB) ~ Download link will expire in 36 hours
If you have any questions regarding this order please contact us.
Archan Publishing Publishing
order@archan-publishing.comDid not receive your eBook Download Link - Pre-PayPal Upgrade!
There are Four possibile causes:
Your Internet provider may be blocking our download emails or youe email capacity may be at its limit. This has happened in the past and we recommend that you contact the provider to sort the problem out. These is no need to worry as we receive back the blocked email so we know it has happened. We will email you immediately the error is discovered to inform you that we know of the situation. And manually email you your eBook. This may take some time so please be patient. Please contact your provider and request our email address be removed from there blocked list. Many thanks
You may experience this problem, and if you do, we usual find that on investigation the problem is not Archan Publishing's email server but it usually occurs when a customer uses a Free Email Account such as Hotmail, WndowsLive, Gmail etc. For some reason the Archan Publishing email is refused, or the Free Email account cannot find the customers email folder.
Again as we always receive a copy of a customers download email, we use this to prove that it is not a technical problem at our end.
So what you need to do?
As your email account may have a problem, we may not be able to send you a manual download link to that email address! What you need to do is double check that your email address is CORRECT! Contact your email provider and see if there is a problem to why you are not receiving the Archan Publishing email. Finally supply us with an alternative email address if possible.
We will either reply to that email with the eBook as a file attachment, or send another download link to your alternative email address.
This is where PayPal stops your payment to undertake a "Payment Review " This means that PayPal does not trigger the download link and you normally have to wait at least 24 hours before PayPal releases the payment. The reason why PayPal does this we are not sure. We are notified when this happens and can send you a copy of the PayPal Payment Review email, if required.
Fourth - There is a problem with our system!
So In all cases please contact us so we can investigate what the problem is. And be assured we will keep you fully informed, and correct the problem. You may use this dedicated email address for a speedier responce:
We try to resolve all queries within 3 working days - Please be patient we will keep you informed
Finally for those that report us to PayPal, without first contacting for assistance may have their purchases refunded. We may take this action because unecessary reports to PayPal involve us with uneccessary administration work, and reputational issues. Sorry but this is how it is!
The Managing Director
Archan Publishing - The Publisher