The Grimoire of Armadel, whose original title is Liber Armadel seu totius cabalae perfectissima brevissima et infallabilis scientia tam speculativa quam practiqua, and was translated by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (I854-I9I8) from the original French and Latin manuscript he discovered in the Bibliotheque I'Arsenal in Paris (MS 88). Classed as a minor I7th century French Christian Grimoire, it was originally part of British Library manuscript Lans. I202 as "The Key of King Solomon by Armadel; Book 4: The Spirits which govern under the Orders of the sovereign Creator; (Clavicules du Roi Salomon, Par Armadel. Livre Quatrieme. Des Esprits qui gouvernent sous les Ordres du Souverain Createur), but was translated into English and published as a separate Grimoire by Mathers.
This text is very often confused with either the Almadel of Solomon, or the Arbatel of Magic. Although the author Armadel is not known, it appears he/she has compiled the work from a mixture of other Grimoires. However, as a one-stop-shop, the Grimoire does contain what appears to be a complete magickal system.
Although the actual Grimoire is difficult to read and in some instanced does not make sense, I have tried to present a comprehensive work that you may apply in your Magickal studies, with some confidence.
The claim of the grimoire is that it may be used to conjure spirits that are archangels and angels, if you wish to follow these instruction to achieve this aim, then you do so entirely at your own risk. These invocations are said to assist the magician gain knowledge, wisdom, mystical insights and enlightenment. The rituals are not designed to gain power or achieve acts of materialism.
Finally as I worked through the original work I studied the Sigils and Characters, one thing became very apparent, in that many of the Sigils are incorrect, when compared to traditional mystical knowledge. I have offered the traditional Sigils/Characters, but I cannot guarantee them to be 100% accurate, in the context of the manuscript. Only Armadel knows this!
Thomas Harper
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