We all live a fast paced environment, with little time to do what we most want to, and this includes collecting natural materials from field and hedgerow by tramping around the countryside looking for specific flowers and herbs. Also, consider that modern herbicides are destroying our natural environment and many of our native plants are becoming more and more scarcer.
So what do most occultists do? Many grow their own plants and herbs? or use a reliable occult supplier, who can guarantee their products as authentic? Considering these questions when I decided to write this book, I made the decision not to put a description of the particular plant in the listing, mainly because there have been cases of misidentification, so unless highly accurate photographs of each plant is shown, and this, in my case, was impossible due to the potentially end product cost.
So I have only given a description of the plants medical and magick properties, common names, and parts used, together with planetary and elemental association. For those who tread the traditional magickal path I have tried to stay true to medieval plants (circa 1600's), those which were to be found in the countryside during the time when traditional magick and witchcraft was practiced. So non-European plants have been excluded from the listing, unless they were known, and used during this period for this I have extensively used Culpeper's Herbal as a reference.
A word of warning some of the listed plants are known to be poisonous, and have been identified as such. However the reader must make sure for themselves the properties of any and all plant material listed within this eBook, as to their safe usage, internally or externally. Plants are Magickal, to quote the late Scott Cunningham, who so elegantly summarized the power of plant Magick as
: "Herb magic, then, is the use of herbs to cause needed changes. These plants contain energies—each as distinct as human faces. For maximum effects the herbs chosen for a spell should possess vibrations that match your need.............. Herb magic is easy because the powers (i.e., vibrations) lie in the herbs themselves. No outside forces need be called into play, for the power is resident within the organic matter."
Finally to balance everything I give instruction on how to make process your herb/plants, how to use the plants in herbal magickal items, beauty products, wines and ales.
Tom Long
Updated March 2020. Formatting and text updates.
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