The first dtailed comparison between those angels which form part of the Christian and Jewish traditions. Angels which are unique to each tradition and also those that cross the line between both. Each angel or archangel has had a channelled Protection Pentacle, as appropriate, with complete instruction on how to create the Pentacle, and charge it with power. And excellent reference and practical celestial magick workbook.
But not only that the author has also included (not necessarily Christian or Jewish) analysis of:
The Watchers / The Grigori / The Irin
The Fallen Angels
Gnostic Angels
The Chief Princes of the Altitudes
The Angels of Punishment
Angels of the Pauline Art
and Much, Much More.
Finally for those angels that do not have a recognised Pentacle or Talisman. Instruction on how to create one unique to you.
Updated March 2020. Formatting and text updates.
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