A compilation of two existing eBooks: The Book of the 72 Pentacles of the Shemhamphorasch Angels and the 72 Shemhamphorasch Angels (of God).
This excellent grimoire will save the student £4.00 over the cost of purchasing both ebooks.
In this work you will learn the powers of the angels, how to meditate on their Name, perform simple rituals which will bring you closer to that particular angel, generate talismans that hold their powers. You will also discover the Angel that you have a particular affinity to, the one that rules your Astrological Sign.
And finally the Angel that you may call-upon in times of distress, those times when you may need celestial assistance.
Kabbalistic teaching informs us that there are 72 angels who are inhabitants of ten sephiroth, with twenty-two paths interconnecting them; this is the Tree of Life. These angels are what is often refer to as the Guardian Angels, or Teaching Angels, who we can invoke, pray or appeal to, and who will carry our messages and pleas to God. Once you have contacted these angels they will awaken your consciousness to the presence of the divine that already exists within each of us .
Included in this new edition is the traditional shem pentacles, sourced from “Clefs majeures et clavicules de Salomon” an French Grimoire. 1826, attributed to Eliphas Lévi which list the talismans aligned to the 72 names of God (Shem HaMephorash).
Update: Further clarification added.
James Simpson
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