The Book of Asariel - Archangel of Neptune.
Page Updated: April 2024.
For those with their Birth Sign under the Astrological Sign of Pisces, February 20th to March 20th
The Book of Asariel introduces to the reader and students of angelic lore the unique magick of this archangel. A short history forms an introduction, then what follows is the practical Kabbala of the Archangel, which concerns itself with the various method of communicating with the Archangel Asariel. The importance of the Moon, not only as a means of contacting Asariel, but also in the practice of the Pauline Art. We discuss the magical script of Asariel, inks, perfumes and incense for those that wish to make their own. The Seal of Asariel and his signs. The reader is also introduced to the appropriate talismans and meditative exercise suitable for angelic contact. This unique eBook may also form part of a complete Angelic Grimoire if you wish, by combining other archangel eBooks.
The reader does not require any prior magical training or knowledge, however it is also suitable for the more advanced practitioner who wish to advance in their knowledge of the
Magic of the Angels of Men (Pauline Art). Want to know more about the Archangel Asariel -
Click Here
Angelus Veneficus
March 2023 update. Legal conditions and minor formating.
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