Our current listing of ebooks on archangels and angels is shown below. If you want more information on a particular ebook, just click the relevant link. You may then progress to purchase the eBook if you wish.

"An angel can illuminate the thought and mind of man by strengthening the power of vision."
-St Thomas Aquinas

Archan Publishing & Angel Path eBooks

Archan Publishing Planet Astrological Rulership Read More on the eBooks of the Archan Publishing
The Traditional Planetary Archangels
Archangel Gabriel Moon Cancer Only The Book of Gabriel
Archangel Samael Mars Aries and Scorpio The Book of Samael
Archangel Raphael Mercury Gemini and Virgo The Book of Raphael
Archangel Sachiel Jupiter Sagittarius and Pisces The Book of Sachiel
Archangel Anael Venus Taurus and Libra The Book of Anael
Archangel Cassiel Saturn Capricorn and Aquarius The Book of Cassiel
Archangel Michael The Sun Leo Only The Book of Michael
IMPORTANT NOTICE BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ANY SINGLE TRADITIONAL PLANETARY ARCHANGEL eBOOK: The eBooks of the archangels have been published as stane-alone text and therefore common angelic information is repeated in the first few chapters of each eBook, covering historical background and the Pauline Art. If the student plans to study each of the archangels, then it is highly recommended that you purchase The Grimoire of the Archangels as all the repetative information is removed. You also have the added benefit of saving money by not buying each eBook individually. For those that have purchased a number of archangel ebooks, but wish to now purchase The Gimoire of the Archangels please contact us for more information. Click here
The Grimoire of the Archangels - Covers Gabriel to Michael. The Grimoire of the Archangels
The Non-traditional Archangels
Archangel Uriel Uranus Aquarius The Book of Uriel
Archangel Asariel Neptune Pisces The Book of Asariel
Archangel Azrael Pluto Scorpio The Book of Azrael
Archangel Lumiel Earth Not Applicable The Book of Lumiel
Archangel Metatron Earth Not Applicable The Book of Metatron
Archangel Melchizedek The Sun Not Applicable The Book of Melchizedek
Archangel Sandalphon Earth Not Applicable The Book of Sandalphon
IMPORTANT NOTICE BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ANY SINGLE NON-TRADITIONAL ARCHANGEL eBOOK: The eBooks of the archangels have been published as stane-alone text and therefore common angelic information is repeated in the first few chapters of each eBook, covering historical background and the Pauline Art. If the student plans to study each of the archangels, then it is highly recommended that you purchase The Grimoire of the Non-traditional Archangels as all the repetatvive information has been removed. You also have the added benefit of saving money by not buying each eBook individually. For those that have purchased a number of archangel ebooks, but wish to now purchase The Grimoire of the Non-Tradirional Archangels please contact us for more information. Click here

The Grimoire of the Non-Traditional Archangels - Covers Uriel, Asariel, Azrael, Metatron, Lumiel, and Melchizedek. The Grimoire of the Non-Traditional Archangels

None-Path eBooks Miscellaneous Archangel, Angels and Grimoires.

The Book of the Pentacles of the 72 Shemhamphorasch Angels   The Book of the Pentacles of the 72 Shemhamphorasch Angels
72 Shemhamphorasch Angels (of God)   The 72 Angels of God
IMPORTANT NOTICE BEFORE YOU PURCHASE: The above eBooks of the Shemhamphorasch Angels been published as stane-alone text, each eBook covering historical background and the Pauline Art as required. For those students that are inclinded to purchase both eBooks may now consider The Grimoire of the Shemhamphorasch Angels. You also have the added benefit of saving money by not buying each eBook individually.
Grimoire of the Shemhamphorash Angels   Click for more information
The Grimoire of the Angels of Jewish Mysticism   The Grimoire of the Angels of Jewish Mysticism
The Book of Judeo-Christian Angels   The Book of Judeo-Christian Angels
The Grimoire of the Orthodox Archangels   The Grimoire of the Orthodox Archangels.
The Grimoire of the Fallen Angels   The Grimoire of the Fallen Angels
Archangel Raziel   The Book of Raziel
The Book of the Zodiac Angel Inc Birth Pentacles   The Book of the Zodiac Angel
The Book of Little Known Angels The Book of Little Known Angels

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Traditional v Non-Traditional Archangel Alignment.
- Your Choice!

Many students of the Angelic Art find the Trad/Non-traditional alignment of Archangels a little confusing, but in simple terms this is what it means. In ancient times there were only 7 observable planets; Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The ancients knew that there were more planets, but could not observe them, so they aligned each Archangel to the known planets. See table above.

Then Uranus, Pluto and Neptune were discovered and the three unaligned Archangels, Uriel, Azrael and Asariel respectively, were matched to the appropriate planet. This necessitated also re-aligning the Astrological Signs. This re-alignment affected three Archangels; Samael/Azrael, Sachiel/Asariel and Cassiel/Uriel

Traditional Astrological Alignment

Samael: Aries and Scorpio
Sachiel: Sagittarius and Pisces
Cassiel: Capricorn and Aquarius

Non-Traditional Astrological Re-Alignment

Samael: Aries
Azrael: Scorpio
Sachiel: Sagittarius
Asariel: Pisces
Cassiel: Capricorn
Uriel: Aquarius

It is up to you which method you choose, however once chosen, stick with your choice. Remember if you choose the Non-Traditional alignment this may change both your Sun and Moon Archan Publishinggels from the Traditional alignment.

If you choose the Traditional alignment, you can still work with the Archan Publishinggels Uriel, Azrael and Asariel.