The Book of Psalms - The Secret Bible

For thousands of years, men and women have found in the psalms the perfect prayer book, possessing wisdom applicable to every human situation. Wise men and women of deep mystical insight have also learned to decipher the magical formulas David and other Psalmists had hidden behind the Psalms words.

This unique work gives you the formulas to help seeker solve everyday problems, achieve higher states of consciousness, gain material and spiritual wealth, as well as help defend himself or herself against psychic attacks and all manner of dangers. Each psalm is aligned to one or other Archangel, who will protect and guide you when performing the psalm rituals.

This is quite a large eBook some 288 pages and cover the psalms as published in the King James Bible. This has been aligned to the 6th and 7th Book of Moses ("Sepher Shimmush Tehillim; OR, Use of the Psalms, FOR THE PHYSICAL WELFARE OF MAN". and as added information the psalms and there use in Talismans and Pentacles is briefly covered.

You will learn about the study of Psalms, Psalms in Magickal Ritual, including a full master ritual you may use with the Psalms, and finally Talismanic Psalms. In this work you are presented with the full listing of Psalms ( other books only give you the Psalm reference), the original Psalms spell and the Archangel or Archangel who have rulership over the Psalm. Enjoy your studies!

Chapters include:

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Why Study the Psalms
3.0 Ritual Considerations
4.0 The Master Ritual
5.0 The Psalms
6.0 General Psalms
7.0 Talismanic Psalms                           

James Simpson

December 2024.


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